Savvy Innocence and Loss of Innocence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Like so many things, a savvy could take years to tame, and Momma and Poppa said the ups and downs of growing up only added to the challenge. (2.10)

Hearing something and learning it yourself are two different things. There are some lessons you have to actually go through, and cannot learn from other people's mistakes, which is totally the case when it comes to getting a savvy.

Quote #2

And while I was sure meat loaf could be a powerful thing, especially if it had a lot of ketchup and the onions were chopped up real fine, I knew that tonight, for the Beaumont family, meat loaf couldn't do squat. (3.17)

Losing innocence is unfortunately a final thing—once it happens there is no going back, and nothing that can make things as they were again. This is a moment when Mibs starts to learn real sorrow, and that life is not always as simple as we'd like.

Quote #3

Suddenly, as I looked at those teenaged girls in their teenaged clothes, I felt younger than twelve-turning-thirteen… I realized that I had just turned into a teenager myself, and there were more changes coming in my life that didn't have anything to do with my savvy. (6.16)

Life itself is full of change, and even though you have superpowers you still (unfortunately) have to go through puberty. This is where we see Mibs's first glimpse of losing her own innocence, and it's perfectly described—because you never are aware of your own innocence until it's gone.