Savvy Theme of The Supernatural

There's a whole bunch of super powers running through the Beaumont clan, though everyone else in the world seems to be ordinary. The supernatural is localized in Savvy, and shows up only in the adult members of one particular family and nobody else. And by adult, of course, we mean thirteen year olds and older.

Mibs has the ability to hear what people are thinking if they have ink on their skin, Fish summons storms, Rocket generates electricity, Grandpa causes earthquakes, Grandma would catch radio waves in jars, and Momma does everything perfectly. Only time will tell what savvies Samson and Gypsy will develop…

Questions About The Supernatural

  1. What kinds of savvies to you think Will Junior or Bobbi would have?
  2. What are savvies a metaphor for?
  3. Why do people have completely different savvies and no repeats?
  4. Would the Beaumonts have it easier if they didn't have any savvies?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

The supernatural in Savvy represents the changes that come with adolescence.

There's no such thing as magic, according to some of the Beaumonts.