Savvy Themes

Savvy Themes


From mind-speaking tattoos to good ole-fashioned jaw flapping, communication makes the world go 'round… or so we find in Savvy. The people that wind up the happiest are the ones who communicate a...


The family that savvies together, stays together—that's how the saying goes, right? A lot of characters in Savvy have something that's different about them, even if they don't have supernatural p...


Sticking with the people who have got your back comes up a lot in Savvy as adventure takes the gang all over Kansas and Nebraska. Although there's a bit of lying involved with the adults, the kids...

Lies and Deceit

Liar, liar, pants on—wait, Rocket might actually set your pants on fire. Lies and deceit are almost never the best options, but sometimes the characters in Savvy need to use them to get by. The B...


It's never fun, but sometimes you need to suffer a bit in order to truly understand joy. The Beaumonts go through a really tough time when Poppa gets into a car accident and falls into a coma, thro...


Perseverance is a trait that runs through the Beaumonts like their blood, and that courses through Savvy too. In the words of Mibs at the end, "You do have a savvy Poppa"—and she's totally right....


Tradition holds up and is thrown out the door in Savvy. Tradition is essential for the Beaumonts, though not the standard holiday variety you might be thinking of. Instead all of the kids stop atte...

The Supernatural

There's a whole bunch of super powers running through the Beaumont clan, though everyone else in the world seems to be ordinary. The supernatural is localized in Savvy, and shows up only in the adu...

Innocence and Loss of Innocence

Spoiler alert: Savvies are metaphors for growing up… which is why they show up on thirteenth birthdays. Hello teen years, and goodbye childhood. There's a lot to be said for being an innocent kid...