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Savvy Plot Analysis

Most good stories start with a fundamental list of ingredients: the initial situation, conflict, complication, climax, suspense, denouement, and conclusion. Great writers sometimes shake up the recipe and add some spice.


That Old Black Magic's Got Me In Its Spell

Mibs and her family have more in common than just genes, and in this family everybody develops a special power—a.k.a. a savvy—on their thirteenth birthday. They hide these powers from regular people, though, and withdraw from school so they don't accidentally hurt another kid while they're learning the ropes of their new super power. And with that the stage is set for our adventure with the Beaumont clan. 

Rising Action

Ain't No Sunshine When He's Gone

Two days before her thirteenth birthday, Mibs's father is in a terrible car accident that lands him stuck in a coma. It's a major bummer, to say the least. Thinking her savvy is the ability to wake things up, Mibs decides to sneak, plot, and trick her way to the hospital so that she can save her pops with her newly hatched savvy.

The conflict piles on as Mibs stows away on a bible bus… and discovers that her savvy isn't waking things up, which probably means she just ran away for nothing. Oh, and half of her family and some other folks stowed away with her, so they're all tangled in her mess too. And things only get more complicated once the bus heads the wrong way. For someone with a savvy, Mibs hasn't been quite as savvy in her scheming as one might hope.

So what's a girl to do in this situation?


Poppa, Can You Hear Me?

In spite of Mib's savvy not being "waking things up," she's able to see that she can help her father anyway. The turning point comes after they've finally made it to the hospital, and Fish reminds her to look at Poppa's tattoo. Mibs realizes two things: she can use her actual savvy to look at the tattoo and know if Poppa is going to make it; and that Poppa, even though he comes from a regular family, does have a savvy. His is that he doesn't give up.

Mibs uses their savvies to talk to Poppa even though he's in a coma. It's not exactly what she'd hoped to do, but it's better than nothing.

Falling Action

Here Comes The Sun

Just as everyone's trying to hustle the Beaumonts away, Poppa wakes up. You know, because he never gives up. And with that, the crisis has officially been averted. Yay.


There's No Place Like Home

We catch up with the Beaumont family a year later, and find them happy and well. Poppa is on his way to recovery, the kids are learning how to scumble their savvies, and there is a baby on the way.