Secrets at Sea Contrasting Regions: England and America Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"'Course they saw me." Nigel stroked a gorgeous whisker. "But I 'ave me work to do, and they 'ave theirs."


"Besides, at sea a steward outranks a waiter."

We gaped. "But you're a mouse." I was practically wringing my hands.

Nigel waved me away. "You're on British soil now, so to speak," he said. "Rank matters more than appearance." (6.81-85)

Onboard this British ship, the Cranston mice find a whole new set of rules. Back in America, they need to stay hidden and out of sight. But here on the ship, Nigel can sometimes be out in the open. One major difference, according to Nigel, is the emphasis on rank—this means that social class and titles are super important. So it matters that Nigel is a "steward."

Quote #5

"A great many mice travel with their 'uman families. The better families," Nigel explained. "Yank—American mice. British mice 'eading 'ome." (7.4)

On this ship, there are lots of mice from England and a bunch from America too. On the one hand, it sounds pretty cool that they're all traveling together—and it sounds like they dine and hang out together too, which is nice. But Nigel hints that there's a difference between American and British mice when he says the Brits are "'eading 'ome," but calls the American mice "Yanks" (a.k.a. Yankees).

Quote #6

My land, she was grand.

She drew herself up, though she was rather bent. "I am Mouse-in-Waiting to Her Royal Highness, the Princess Louise, fourth daughter of the Queen. In the British Empire, Mice-in-Waiting assume a royal rank. It is tradition. Royalty has never made a move without their mice. We came over with William the Conqueror." (7.15-16)

Watch out Helena—you're in the presence of royalty. When she first dines with the Duchess of Cheddar Gorge, Helena is stunned to meet a royal mouse. In some ways, this royal mouse seems pretty different from Helena—after all, Helena doesn't wear a crown—but on the other hand, both the duchess and Helena are seriously obsessed with their old families. So maybe these British and American mice aren't all that different in the long run.