Secrets at Sea Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Besides, I had joys and sorrows to share with Louise. Why was that not enough for her? Why was I not enough? I stared at the ceiling, and all my worries crowded round my matchbox. (4.9)

Family isn't always a comfort for Helena—in fact, sometimes she feels super lonely. You might think that with three siblings Helena would never get some time to herself, but it turns out that she actually wants more time with her bro and sisters. Check out how Helena asks lots of questions here. She's definitely searching for answers about why she feels so lonely despite her big family.

Quote #5

But Aunt Fannie did a strange thing then. Mysterious. "Here is how you hold your family together," she said. Then she put out both her old hands, stretched wide open.

"That's how you hold on to family." She thrust her wide-open hands right at me. Right in my face.

But what could that mean? What in the world? (5.106-108)

Aunt Fannie gives Helena some advice about keeping her family tight-knit, but Helena has no idea what this advice means. All Helena wants is to take care of her siblings and she's having a tough time figuring out how to do so. Can you tell how frustrated Helena is here? She really wants to figure out Aunt Fannie's family-bonding secret.

Quote #6

I could have wept. (7.78-81)

Poor Helena has a heavy burden to bear—she's trying to protect her family, but she ends up out in the cold. It sounds to us like Helena feels pretty left out without her siblings. What do you think about how Helena feels? Is she justified in feeling left out? Or is she overreacting?