Secrets at Sea Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She looked quite dignified in an older-sister way. She looked nice.

"I am myself engaged to be married, Papa."

Mr. Cranston liked to have bulged out of his wing collar. "What the—"

"To the ship's doctor, Papa. Dr. Fanshawe." […]

Olive smiled. Quite a pleasant smile. (13.33-36, 41)

Olive has huge news for her family: she's getting hitched. And according to Helena, this has a pretty positive effect on Olive's looks. Remember how Helena used to talk about Olive? It was mostly about how Olive would have trouble nabbing a husband; now that she's engaged, Helena says Olive looks "dignified," "nice," and "pleasant." What do you think of this change?

Quote #8

I scanned the future and saw—deep within a great gray and gold-tipped palace—a wondrous scene. There were sprays of white lily of the valley, artfully arranged, and petals of orange blossom.

I saw Beatrice there in the center of this scene, Beatrice blushing in white. And myself and Louise, tastefully attired and holding small nosegays of seasonal flowers. Bridesmaids.

And now I heard quite different music—a wedding march. (14.53-55)

Marriage isn't just for the human folks in this novel—when it comes to marriage Helena can't help but daydream about Beatrice and Lord Peter. She figures these two are going to get hitched and she'll get to be a bridesmaid. Of course Helena is just a wee bit wrong in her prediction, but we still know how important it is to Helena that her little sis gets a palace wedding.

Quote #9

"Beatrice," I said reasonably, "you do understand Lord Peter's position in English society as Mouse Equerry, don't you? You grasp that one day it is entirely possible that you could be a mouse countess. A countess, Beatrice."

"Two castles," Louise said.

Beatrice goggled at us. "But I love Nigel. And naturally Nigel loves me," she said. It was love at first sight." (15.24-26)

When it comes to marriage, Beatrice doesn't care about rank and title—even though rich Lord Peter likes her, she's going for Nigel instead. But it's a different story for her sisters. Check out how much Helena and Louise focus on Lord Peter's rank. Helena keeps talking about Beatrice being a countess, and for Louise it's all about the castles.