Seven Samurai Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from the Japanese to English translated subtitles of Seven Samurai.

Quote #4

KIKUCHIYO: What's this?

YOHEI: Why, it's a spear.

KIKUCHIYO: I know that, idiot. I'm asking you where you got it. Well, speak up. Found it growing on a bush? I know. You don't get spears like that unless you take them…from dead samurai. If you have this one, then you must have others. Where are they?

Farmers killing samurai—a scary reminder that class differences are still pretty strong, and can even be dangerous if the samurai aren't careful.

Quote #5

GISAKU: They are just foolish you see. They are farmers; they're afraid. Afraid of everything: rains, droughts, winds. They wake up afraid, they go to bed afraid. Today is no different.

KAMBEI: But why are they afraid of us? What do they think we'll do to them?

Kambei is beginning to understand how things feel in a different class. He didn't used to worry about peasants' fears because they would never dare attack a samurai. But now that they might, he'd better figure out their motivations or he and his buddies could be in big trouble.

Quote #6

HEIHACHI: Haven't you ever seen anyone cut firewood before?

GOROBEI: You seem to enjoy it.

HEIHACHI: That's just the way I am. Yah!

Heihachi's blowing off the fact that he's doing peasants' work, something he normally wouldn't touch with a ten-foot peasant-prodder. The fact that he takes it in stride confirms his humility—which ironically makes him a very good samurai.