Seven Samurai Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from the Japanese to English translated subtitles of Seven Samurai.

Quote #7

RIKICHI: Come out! What's the matter with you? Welcome your guests!

The farmers are scared, which is typical of their class. Again, the film notes that some things never change.

Quote #8

SHICHIROJI: Know how they got these? They were taken from samurai!

KIKUCHIYO: I know that.

SHICHIROJI: Then how dare you...

KAMBEI: That's enough now.


KAMBEI: I understand. But someone who has never been hunted down after the battle by bamboo spears wouldn't understand.

Kambei has to brush off the class differences creating the conflict here. That's because they need the farmers, but also to remind his fellow samurai what it must feel like to be a farmer.

Quote #9

SHINO: I wish I'd been born into a samurai family.

KATSUSHIRO: I know. A farmer's life is very hard. I've been lucky.

SHINO: I're a real samurai and I'm just a farmer's daughter, so...

Just so we're clear: these two are being kept apart solely because of class. You poor kids. This is gonna hurt. A lot.