How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Seven.
Quote #1
MILLS: Who knows? So many freaks out there doing their little evil deeds they don't want to do.
Is this a definition of madness—someone doing something he or she doesn't want to do? Are people who are "mad" acting against their will? If so, does this make John Doe mad? He definitely wants to be doing what he's doing.
Quote #2
MILLS: The voices made me do it. My dog made me do it. Jodie Foster told me to do it.
This is Mills in one of the movie's funnier lines. Jodie Foster is a reference to John Hinckley, Jr., who shot Ronald Reagan to impress the actress. It didn't work.
Quote #3
MILLS: Come on. He's insane. Look. Right now, he's probably dancing around in his grandma's panties, rubbing himself in peanut butter.
Mills is on a roll here. He wants to demean John Doe to make him a less intimidating figure. Unfortunately, Doe is exactly the opposite of what Mills wants him to be.