How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Seven.
Quote #4
MILLS: He's a nutbag. Just because the f***er's got a library card doesn't make him Yoda.
One more funny line here, as Mills tries to reduce John Doe to a crazy person, although we're not sure if they have libraries on Dagobah.
Quote #5
SOMERSET: There are 2,000 notebooks on these shelves, and each notebook contains about 250 pages [...] Placed on the shelves in no discernible order. [...] Just his mind, poured out on paper.
Besides killing people, the craziest thing Doe does might be compiling these notebooks. If these crimes were happening in the days of the Internet, Doe would have the most insane Twitter feed ever.
Quote #6
JOHN DOE [in journal]: What sick ridiculous puppets we are. What a gross little stage we dance on. What fun we have dancing, f***ing, not a care in the world. Not knowing that we are nothing. We are not what was intended.
This is one of Doe's crazier thoughts. It sounds like he's quite the nihilist here. And, in slightly different language, this is exactly how Somerset feels. Is he crazy, too? If that's true, what is the point of his mission? Does he think he can change this?