How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
They just witnessed one of those regular but painful life transitions. That, it turns out, is The Way of the Pants. (Prologue.3)
Carmen is reflecting upon the Pants's arrival to the thrift store, noting that change is a part of life, even for a pair of pants. Clearly, the owner of the Pants didn't experience their magic—otherwise they never would have been given up for adoption.
Quote #2
"You grew taller, I think." (4.30)
It happens, Albert—maybe you should try seeing your daughter more often. Carmen hasn't seen her father in awhile, and he is uncomfortable when they are reunited, since he knows he is missing out on Carmen's life. With each visit, he sees that she is growing into a young woman.
Quote #3
[…] my heart is rotting. I hate surprises. (4.109)
Okay, maybe Carmen's heart isn't literally rotting, but that is definitely what it feels like. She is totally unprepared to meet Albert's ready-made family. For a girl who relishes predictability, such a sudden—and radical—life shift is especially painful.