How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Time tells the truth. (14.Epigraph)
We think this means that as time passes, we can see things more clearly. Time gives us a perspective on life that is hard to obtain when we're caught up in the middle of things, with emotions clouding judgment.
Quote #5
The olives on the trees were grown fatter—they were teenagers now. (20.2)
Just like the girls are becoming young women, the olives are getting bigger too.
Quote #6
Her eyes were full. They dripped. From sadness, or strangeness, or love. (17.29)
Heavy duty emotions here, Shmoopsters. Bridget doesn't know what she is feeling, but it is real and it is intense. Brashares never explicitly states what happens between Bridget and Eric, but based on Bridget's overwhelming reaction, it's easy to guess. It's not rocket science, and it's definitely more than she was ready for.