Sling Blade Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Sling Blade.

Quote #1

KARL: I can help you tote it if I don't give out first.

A murderer is let out of a mental institution. He comes along a young boy, walking alone. In a different movie, this would be the beginning of another grisly crime. But in Sling Blade, it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Quote #2

FRANK: If you wanna play, you can come on over, because we ain't no good either.

We don't know Karl's history at this point, so it seems like he and Frank are making friends. They are becoming friends, but it might be more like Frank is the younger brother who Karl never had.

Quote #3

FRANK: I won't tell her about you being in the state hospital for killing.

Hey, you know you can trust someone who keeps your criminal record a secret from his mother.