How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Sling Blade.
Quote #1
KARL: Some folks has asked me, "If you had it to do over again, would you do it the same way?" Well, I reckon I would. Seein' how they seem fit to put in here, and here I been for a great long while. I've learned to read some. Took me four years to read the Bible. I reckon I understand a great deal of it. More than what I expected in some places. I slept in a good bed for a great long while. Now they seem fit to put me outta here. They say they're setting me free today. Hmm.
Karl has enjoyed his confinement and made the best of it. Freedom is scary to him: he has no idea what to expect in the wide, weird world outside. Would it have been different if he hadn't grown up in a shed?
Quote #2
KARL: Reckon I'm gonna have to get used to them looking at me too, hmm.
Another benefit to Karl being in the mental hospital is that he doesn't have to deal with people staring at him and treating him like he's different. In the hospital, everyone is weird in his or her own way, so the patients treat one another as if they were all normal. Or they stare out into space. Either way, they're not bothering Karl by staring at him.