Sling Blade Scene 18 Summary

  • Linda returns with a big bucket of Chicken Champ and sees Karl leaving.
  • Karl says he's just headed off somewhere, but he doesn't say that he's not coming back.
  • Karl tells Linda she's a good momma, which is true except for the fact that she lets Doyle back into her house. But okay.
  • Also, Karl thanks Linda for her biscuits. Anyone who makes biscuits is a good person.
  • Finally, Karl says he fixed the washing machine so that Frank won't have to go to the laundromat again.
  • Karl finds Frank at the secret place, where Frank wishes he, Karl, and his momma could run away from Doyle and be happy.
  • Frank wonders why Karl doesn't stop Doyle from treating him and Linda the way he does.
  • Karl assures Frank he still cares for him, even though he's moving out. They'll always be friends, Karl says, and he gives Frank his books as a reminder.
  • Before he leaves, Karl tells Frank to go to Vaughan's house that night instead of going home. It's not safe there, with Doyle liquored up, he says.
  • "I love you, boy," Karl says to Frank, and Frank says he loves him back.
  • As if this weren't tearjerking enough, Frank finds the bookmark Karl gave him. It says, "You will be happy."
  • We didn't even know Karl could write.