Something Happened Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Something Happened.

The Home Quotes

We come to work, have lunch, and go home. We goose-step in and goose-step out, change our partners and wander all about, sashay around for a pat on the head, and promenade home till we all drop dea...

Madness Quotes

I think that maybe in every company today there is always at least one person who is going crazy slowly. (2.21)

Marriage Quotes

This fiscal period, I am flirting with Jane. Jane is new in the Art Department and not quite sure whether I mean it or not. She is just a few years out of college, where she majored in fine arts, a...

Sex Quotes

My brother winked at me over her head and gave an exaggerated tug to the top of his pants. He walked with a swagger I had never seen before and knew at once I did not like. It made me uneasy to see...

Language and Communication Quotes

We walk away from her if we can, or turn our backs and try not to notice. We each hope somebody else will do or say something to make her stop smiling and chatting to herself each time she starts (...

Dissatisfaction Quotes

Most of the work we do in my department is, in the long run, trivial. (2.8)

Fear Quotes

I get the willies when I see closed doors. Even at work, where I am doing so well now, the sight of a closed door is sometimes enough to make me dread that something horrible is happening behind it...

Time Quotes

I can no longer change my environment or even disturb it seriously. They would simply fire and forget me as soon as I tried. They would file me away. That's what will happen to Martha the typist wh...

Identity Quotes

I do not do this voluntarily. It's a weakness, I know, a failure of character or morals, this subtle, sneaky, almost enslaving instinct to be like just about anyone I happen to find myself with. It...

Versions of Reality Quotes

(I have dreams, unpleasant dreams, that relate, I think, to my wanting to speak at a company convention, and they are always dreams that involve bitter frustration and humiliation and insurmountabl...