Something Happened Resources


What Would Happen?

Heller's daughter Erica reveals exactly what her father said to her the day the two went to deliver the manuscript for Something Happened to the publisher. She also tells about how Heller kept copies of the manuscript stashed in his locker at the YMCA in the event that a fire or something struck his apartment.

All About Joseph

Check out Heller's biography and learn about how the dude's first jobs during World War II shaped his early novels.

The Enigma of Joseph Heller

Heller was a pretty complicated guy. Check out this write-up on him to figure out what made the mad genius a mad genius.


Author Ron Rosenbaum talks about the tremendous effect Heller and his first novel Catch-22 had on him.


Mad Men (2007-2015)

The AMC television show oozes with traces of Something Happened, and in fact the work served as an influence on the show's development.


Interview with Joseph Heller

This interview with Joseph Heller took place during the week of the publication of Something Happened, only the author's second novel.

Joseph Heller in Rolling Stone

Heller was not as anti-war as many believe him to be. The positive experiences he had serving in World War II greatly influenced his outlook, though he was not blind to the harsh realities of war, either. Such cruelties feature prominently in Catch-22 and raise questions about the ethics of wartime practices.


Interview with Bill Boggs

American television presenter Bill Boggs interviews Joseph Heller about Catch-22 and other famed works.

Joseph Heller Speaking at the UCLA Communications Department

Heller drones on for a bit in this one, but he offers some interesting perspectives on his works. Skip to about an hour and five minutes in, and you can hear him reading about the place where Slocum works.

Even More about Joseph Heller

Watch Joseph Heller talking all about his personal life and his success as an author.


Joseph Heller During World War II

At age nineteen, Heller enlisted in the Army and fought two years later on the Italian Front.

Joseph Heller After Experiencing Great Success

It only took Heller one week to write the first chapter of Catch-22. He must have known then the tremendous success the book would instantly become.

Joseph Heller Post-Success

Here's another cool picture of Heller in the interim between Catch-22 and Something Happened. Albert Einstein hair, anyone?