Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does the ship slingshot around to reach time-travel speeds?

The sun
Your mama
Q. With what does the crew recharge the ship for time travel?

The power of friendship
Q. Why does Gillian decide to come to the future?

She's in love with Kirk.
She'll get arrested if she stays.
She wants to look after the whales.
She just loves those Starfleet uniforms.
Q. Why is the second time warp more difficult than the first?

The ship has low power.
The time highways are being clogged up by Doctor Who.
Kirk doesn't know what time to go back to.
Spock must do the calculations in his head.
Q. Which aspect of society is not depicted as primitive when the crew travels back in time?

Nuclear energy