Stitches: A Memoir Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Listen to me: I don't ever want to hear you use that word again! Do you hear me? Never!" (1.295)

For the first time, we see David's mother's eyes behind her glasses as she shakes him and tells him not to call his grandmother crazy. It's like this is her one moment of true emotional connection to him—behind closed doors, in her mother's house, where she grew up feeling the fear David feels now.

Quote #8

"DOCTORS COST MONEY and MONEY is something that is in SHORT SUPPLY in THIS HOUSE." (2.52)

David's mom's reaction to finding out he has a growth on his neck is to get angry and yell at him. But it's not really that she's angry about the cost of doctors—she's angry because Mrs. Dillon left alarmed, saying she couldn't believe David's mother hadn't noticed.

Quote #9

Back at home all was the same! Dad never there except occasionally for one of Mother's dry, burned little meals; Mother coiled tight inside her shell of angry, resentful silence; my brother in his, and I in mine. (3.109)

Silence is practically a fifth member of the family, don't you think? Even when they come together, David's family keeps to themselves.