Stitches: A Memoir Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Your mother doesn't love you. I'm sorry, David. It's true. She doesn't love you." (4.38; 40)

This might seem like an incredibly harsh thing to say to someone, but it's David's therapist's job to tell the truth, and sometimes the truth is the greatest gift you can give. Not to get all psychobabble, but it's the validation David needs in order to begin healing.

Quote #11

[…] I always had to return home where, as I was slowly beginning to pull myself together, my family seemed to be quickly falling apart. (4.78)

David's family really isn't any more screwed up than they've ever been, but he's quickly learning how screwed up they are. His perception begins to change rapidly once he enters therapy.