How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph
Quote #7
But Ian Rider had swum through. Ian Rider had done it all, on his own, and he had never stopped. (11.59)
The memory of Ian's sacrifice inspires Alex to move on. Although this is rarely made explicit, as it is here, it's a strong undercurrent beneath the book's plot.
Quote #8
He felt his resolve give way to anger. These peopled […] had snuffed out his uncle's life simply because it had suited them. Well, he didn't die for nothing. Alex would see to that. (11.59)
Although it isn't always pretty, revenge is just about the best motivator on the planet.
Quote #9
Once again Ian Rider had been here ahead of him. He had cut through the bolts holding it in place. Alex set the grill down silently, glad that he had found the strength to go forward. (12.6)
Ian doesn't just metaphorically help Alex along—he literally does so. That being said, we bet Alex still would've figured out a way to keep going even if he hadn't.