How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph
Quote #4
A single guard stood behind him, a gun in his hand. It was the sort of thing that Alex had seen a thousand times in films and on television, and he was shocked by how different the reality was. (12.22)
We can talk about violence in media until we're blue in the face, but the truth is that no movie can accurately portray what real violence is like.
Quote #5
The butler made an inarticulate sound and lashed out a second time. Alex got the impression that behind the livid scars he really was grinning, enjoying himself. (12.42)
In Stormbreaker, violence is typically used as a means to an end. Mr. Grin, on the other hand, seems to get violence for the sake of getting violent.
Quote #6
Alex looked at the figures, writhing in agony on the canvas. If he was right, the image would soon be repeated all over England. (13.3)
Chemical warfare is one of the most horrifying ways to inflict violence on innocents. As Alex observes, it would be a literal Judgment Day. Not cool, Sayle, not cool.