How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
I'm not saying I was a hero. All I did was slide around in the mud and try to pull people up. But I didn't panic and run, either. (1.17.14)
Why does Paul diminish his role in helping? Is he's so down on himself that he can't even be proud of himself when he does something great, or is he actually showing what a good, normal guy he is?
Quote #8
Kerri Gardner knows about my glasses, but she doesn't think there's anything wrong with me. (2.8.58)
It sounds like Paul thinks his glasses are the cause of what's wrong with him. Are they? Is anything actually wrong with Paul, or has Erik just convinced him of that?
Quote #9
"Am I such a stupid idiot fool that I stared at a solar eclipse for an hour and blinded myself? Is that who I am? Am I that idiot?" (3.9.95)
Paul knows he's not. And his parents know he's not. And now they know he knows. And he knows they know he knows. But do they know he knows they know he knows?