The BFG Injustice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

“You is about right! Giants is all cannybully and murderful! And they does gobble up human beans! We is in Giant Country now! Giants is everywhere around! Out there us has the famous Bonecrunching Giant! Bonecrunching Giant crunches up two wopsey whiffling human beans for supper every night! Noise is earbursting! Noise of crunching bones goes crackety-crack for miles around!” (5.6)

Wow, the BFG seems really excited about all this people-eating. Or matter-of-fact, at the very least. No wonder Sophie is terrified. At least, before he tells her he’s a vegetarian.

Quote #2

“The first thing you would be doing, you would be scuddling around yodeling the news that you were actually seeing a giant, and then a great giant-hunt, a mighty giant look-see, would be starting up all over the world, with the human beans all rummaging for the great giant you saw and getting wildly excited. People would be coming rushing and bushing after me with goodness knows what and they would be catching me and locking me into a cage to be stared at.” (6.6)

The BFG’s colorful description of a giant hunt is, sadly, on point. If people did believe there were giants, they’d probably be obsessed with catching him. The only thing the BFG might be getting wrong is by thinking that people will believe Sophie.

Quote #3

“How many giants are there out there?” Sophie asked.
“Nine altogether,” answered the BFG.
“That means,” said Sophie, “that somewhere in the world, every single night, nine wretched people get carried away and eaten alive.”
“More,” said the BFG. (6.40-43)

It’s almost hard for Sophie to comprehend that these arbitrary, pointless deaths happen regularly. Deaths of people who are powerless to prevent themselves from being eaten. To describe that situation as unfair would be an understatement.