Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The BFG.
Injustice Quotes
“You is about right! Giants is all cannybully and murderful! And they does gobble up human beans! We is in Giant Country now! Giants is everywhere around! Out there us has the famous Bonecrunchin...
Morality and Ethics Quotes
The BFG raised his great head proudly in the air. “I is a very honorable giant,” he said. “I would rather be chewing up rotsome snozzcumbers than snitching things from other people.” (8.53)
Appearances Quotes
Sophie saw that under the cloak he was wearing a sort of collarless shirt and a dirty old leather waistcoat that didn’t seem to have any buttons. His trousers were faded green and were far too sh...
Language and Communication Quotes
“You is trying to change the subject,” the Giant said sternly. “We is having interesting babblement about the taste of the human bean. The human bean is not a vegetable.”
“Oh, but the bea...
Friendship Quotes
“I is the titchy one. I is the runt. Twenty-four feet is puddlenuts in Giant Country.”“You mustn’t feel bad about it,” Sophie said. “I think you are just great. Why even your toes must...
Cunning and Cleverness Quotes
“You is talking rommytot,” the BFG said, growing braver by the second. He was thinking that if only he could get the Bloodbottler to take one bite of the repulsive vegetable, the sheer foulness...
The Supernatural Quotes
“Dreams,” he said, “Is very mysterious things. They is floating around in the air like little wispy-misty bubbles. And all the time they is searching for sleeping people.” (7.56)
Weakness Quotes
The next moment, a huge hand with pale fingers came snaking in through the window. This was followed by an arm, an arm as thick as a tree-trunk, and the arm, the hand, the fingers were reaching out...