How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #10
I glanced at Papá and Mamá. They were beaming. "You got a job!" I cried out.
"Yes. Mr. Sims offered me the janitorial job at Main Street School," he answered, grinning from ear to ear.
Being careful with his back, Papá stood up slowly and hugged her gently. He then turned to Roberto and said, "Education pays off, mi'jo. I am proud of you."
After supper, I sat at the table to do my homework. I was so excited about Roberto's new job that it was difficult to focus. (12.74-79)
Everyone is stoked when Roberto gets a new job. This lets us know that the whole family is invested in each other—they all want Roberto to succeed, and Roberto knows that his success sure will help out his family.