The Clouds Change and Aging Quotes

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Quote #4

Greetings, superannuated codger, seeking artful words; / you too, priest of subtlest hogwash, tell us what your heart desires. / You alone we listen to, of all the scientists today, / Prodicus excepted, for his cleverness and judgment fine. / You we like because you swagger all over town, and roll your eyes, / barefoot, suffering every kind of woe, and proud on our account. (358-363)

Hmm, somehow we're not sure the Chorus Leader (i.e., the leader of the Clouds) is being super sincere here in his praise for Socrates's "swagger" or his "subtlest hogwash." Also, note that he uses the term "superannuated codger" to describe Strepsiades. Yowch.

Quote #5

All that and more! But every lesson I learned / I right away forgot. I'm just too old. (854-855)

Strepsiades is lamenting that his age is preventing him from learning the lessons Socrates is trying to instill.

Quote #6

You've made the younger generation uninterested in education. / Just wait until the Athenians / find out what fools you've made of them! (916-918)

This is Better Argument railing at Worse Argument. According to BA, Worse Argument is trying to change Athenians for the worse with his twisty rhetoric and is making them into fools (rather than improving their minds). As a result, the youths of Athens are apparently in jeopardy.