The Clouds True or False

1. Who says, "Oh dammit, why'd you light the thirsty lamp? Come here and take your beating!"? -> Strepsiades
2. Who says, "I'll tell you, then. But these are holy secrets. This morning Socrates asked Chaerephon / how many of its own feet a flea can jump / A flea had bitten Chaerephon on the eyebrow / and then jumped off and landed on Socrates' head"? -> Pheidippides
3. Who says, "You've made the younger generation uninterested in education. / Just wait until the Athenians / find out what fools you've made of them!"? -> Strepsiades
4. Who says, "Yuk! That scum! I know who you mean. The charlatans, / the pasty-faces, the ones who don't wear shoes, / like that miserable Socrates and Chaerephon"? -> Pheidippides
5. Who says, "Greetings, superannuated codger, seeking artful words; / you too, priest of subtlest hogwash, tell us what your heart desires. / You alone we listen to, of all the scientists today, / Prodicus excepted, for his cleverness and judgment fine. / You we like because you swagger all over town, and roll your eyes, / barefoot, suffering every kind of woe, and proud on our account"? -> Socrates
