How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
He'd begun to think of his makeup box as his palette. (9.25)
As Lili, Einar gives up painting landscapes for painting her own face with makeup instead. She becomes her own landscape, and with makeup, she can create whatever image she wants.
Quote #5
"That's what I want. Lili waiting, waiting for Hans." (9.64)
Perhaps Greta's portraits of Lili connect with so many people because she is able to capture Lili's powerful emotions. Previously, Greta painted mostly commissioned portraits, which have all the emotion of a Sears portrait studio photograph. Lili is passionate, and her feelings translate onto the canvas.
Quote #6
While she painted, Greta thought of nothing, or what felt to her like nothing: her brain, her thoughts felt as light as the paints she mixed into her palette. (10.2)
Greta spends a lot of time thinking, so painting is an amazing relief to her. She's able to switch off her thoughts and just feel instead. Ah…