How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Einar himself no longer painted. "I'm having a hard time imagining the bog," he'd call from his studio, where his canvases and his paints were kept tidy. (14.4)
Check out our "Symbols" section for more on the bog. Here, though, is Einar's rationale for giving up his life's passion: Einar painted to work through his feelings, but transforming into Lili is a real solution.
Quote #8
There was another exhibition of her paintings in Hans's gallery, and for the first time she didn't attend the opening. Something in her felt sick of it all, though she was careful not to repeat such a sentiment to Hans. (22.2)
Perhaps painting Lili was a way for Greta to work through her feelings, too. Being married to a man transitioning into a woman will cause a lot of feelings, so Greta has a lot of complicated emotions to work through.