How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
He keeps going and he doesn't stop, breathing in and out with the words that he hates. (21.32)
Despite working for WICKED, Thomas hated constructing the Trials. In one of his memory-dreams, a young Thomas recites the goals of WICKED, hating every word he's saying.
Quote #5
But all Thomas could think of was the angry boy throwing the knife that killed Chuck, that made the boy bleed to death on the ground as Thomas held him. (24.1)
Thomas hated Gally more than anyone else back in the Maze; after all, Gally was the one who killed Chuck. That changes in this book, after Thomas widens his perspective.
Quote #6
Any anger Thomas had felt toward Gally shifted to WICKED, feeding his ever-growing hatred for the organization. (24.6)
Though he once hated Gally's guts, Thomas gives up on that and shifts all his hatred toward WICKED when he realizes that it wasn't Gally's fault for killing Chuck. WICKED itself is to blame for all of Thomas's troubles.