How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"He was trying to eat chairs and spitting and yelling and ripping his own hair out."
"I saw him too," Jorge added. "He got past the guards one day. He ran through the halls naked, screaming at the top of his lungs about beetles in his veins." (24.12)
Come on, people: how much crazier can someone possibly get? First place of the Krazy Kompetition goes to: Gally. How did he get this way?
Quote #5
"The fact that you were already seeing symptoms of anger and loss of concentration before you left means he'll be spiraling into madness very soon." (32.15)
Another problem with the Flare is that it works rapidly. For people who catch it, there isn't much time for them to search for some kind of cure—which means that they can start going cray-cray just from the psychological stress, even before they're actually being affected by the disease itself.
Quote #6
Someone talking too loudly, a scream, an odd laugh. As the light faded to darkness, he began to feel more and more spooked. (33.1)
Imagine this as your everyday walk to the office. That's what Thomas has to experience in a daily basis in Denver, and it ain't pretty. There's danger around every corner.