How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
The group started walking again, but Thomas couldn't tear his eyes away from the disturbing scene. What was that guy doing? (34.19)
Oddly enough, madness can be pretty attractive—at least in the sense that crazy people have a tendency to really attract your attention. As Thomas learns, there's just something about terrifying sights that really reels people in.
Quote #8
The first word that popped into Thomas's mind was madhouse, and he realized that it was almost literally true. Cranks were everywhere. (37.26)
What's worse than a bunch of crazy people roaming the streets of a major city? A whole entire critical mass of crazy people all over the city, inside and outside, just doing their thing like they own the place.
Quote #9
To Thomas, everyone's actions and mannerisms seemed... exaggerated. Some people were laughing hysterically, a wildness in their eyes, as they slapped each other's backs roughly. Others cried uncontrollably, sobbing all alone on the ground or walking in circles, faces in their hands. (37.27)
The terms "crazy" or "mad" can be pretty general, so here's a good example of what we mean when we talk about madness in this book. When people's brains are being affected by the Flare, they don't just laugh a lot with their tongue out and scream. They cry, too. They get scared. They get happy. They get dangerous. Every emotion gets heightened from the madness, which causes these people to become hyperbolic hot messes.