The Death Cure True or False

1. Who said, "Do you think we enjoy all this? You think we enjoy watching you suffer?" -> Janson
2. Who said, "I don't think there is a right or wrong anymore... Only horrible and not-quite-so-horrible"? -> Newt
3. Who said, "I was there on a job, I was there to help things play out, but I did grow close to you and it did change me. And there are a few things I think you deserve to know. About me..."? -> Teresa
4. Who said, "Glad you came... Because the end of the world is upon us"? -> Gally
5. Who said, "I'm not worried about the bloody Flare, man. I never thought I'd still be alive at this buggin' point—and living hasn't exactly been so great anyway"? -> Minho
