- Mrs. Matsika calls Ear, Eye, and Arm to check in.
- Since they still haven't found anything, she was thinking it might be a good idea to offer a reward. Her hubby is against it, but she just wants her kids back.
- Besides, Tendai will be fourteen soon. It's almost his birthday.
- Arm asks her when she came up with this idea, and she explains it was after praise from the Mellower.
- She can't remember exactly what he said, but then again, she never can.
- Something is not right. Arm instructs Mrs. Matsika not to listen to any more praise from the Mellower. It's strange that it leaves people in a trance.
- Eye thinks this might just be jealousy talking, though, since the Mellower is looking after Sekai until Arm sorts himself out.
- Arm insists Eye is incorrect, though, and claims the Mellower has been involved the entire time. He looks up the address for the Mellower's family and finds one in Borrowdale.
- Meanwhile, Mrs. Horsepool-Worthingham is entertaining her English pals.
- Every week, they get together for tea and cookies and chat about their favorite animals.
- Tendai's plan is to take Kuda—spots and all—right in the middle of the tea party and announce they are being held for ransom.
- He knows the other women will be shocked and Mrs. Horsepool-Worthingham will be forced to call his father.
- Plus, they'll probably shun Mrs. Horsepool-Worthingham afterwards. It'll be like she's just been declared a witch in Resthaven.
- They go to Kuda's room and get him, when suddenly there is a big bang on the gate.
- It's the She Elephant.