The Future of Us Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter, Paragraph

Quote #4

"I wasn't walking fast because I'm excited," I say, "I just hate it when you… you know… touch my hair and stuff."

"I'm sorry," Emma says, and I know she gets it. She doesn't want to hurt our friendship either. That's why she let me put distance between us for the past six months. (8.14-15)

Body language is a very important part of communication. Emma and Josh are in a rough patch in their friendship, but Emma's body language has a tendency to not match up with her words. She gave Josh a strict verbal declaration that they're just friends, but still gets touchy sometimes. It's called a mixed signal, and it makes Josh uncomfortable.

Quote #5

We were standing right next to Clarence and Millicent when Josh said, "I really like you, Emma."

I smiled. "I really like you, too."

"I'm glad," he said, and then he stepped close like he was about to kiss me.

I stumbled back. "No," I said, shaking my head. "You're… Josh."

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I could see how much I hurt him. (13.17-21)

Major communication fail: Josh failed to pick up on the fact that Emma didn't like him that way. And rather than finding the best words to turn her best friend down, Emma blurts out a quick response that hurts their friendship. This moment is kind of a big deal in the story because it seriously interrupted the great communication that Josh and Emma had before.

Quote #6

On my way here, I slipped a note through the vents in his locker, saying I wouldn't see him until band. That way he won't hunt me down for a makeout session before class. Eventually we need to have the breakup talk, just not this morning. (17.9)

Emma is using a written note to avoid Graham, rather than break up with him right away. She's making a lot of extra work (and stress) for herself because she won't communicate with him directly. Is this better for anybody? We don't think so. Graham is just confused, and the longer Emma waits, the more stressed out she is about it.