The Future of Us Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter, Paragraph

Quote #4

I rub my palms across my knees. One side of my brain whispers that this could be a website from the future. The other side of my brain screams at the first side for being an idiot. (2.36)

One of the cool things about The Future of Us is that it treats the present like the future. The future aside, though, Josh and Emma can't believe that this website exists; it's such a weird idea to post personal information online every day. And when that personal information is yours from the future, well, things only seem stranger.

Quote #5

Josh sets the keychain on my desk and sits down. When he jiggles the mouse, the brick wall disappears and everything's right where I left it, with Emma Nelson Jones writing about macaroni and cheese.

"Why does it say she has three hundred and twenty friends?" Josh asks. Who has that many friends?" (5.19-20)

In addition to the fact that it changes communication, Facebook re-defines the word friend. Which leaves us with one giant question: Are Facebook friendships real friendships? We'll let you decide.

Quote #6

"You know how Vice President Gore calls the Internet the 'Information Superhighway'? Let's say everyone's going the same direction on this superhighway. Time travel would be about finding a way to jump to a different spot." (6.24)

Emma and Josh are doing their best to figure out how they could be travelling in time. The Internet is so new that they're open to the idea that it could contain a whole new world of possibilities… you know, like the ability to "jump" ahead in time.