The Future of Us Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter, Paragraph

Quote #4

I've always loved Josh's smell. It reminds me of tree forts and the lake. Most people went home after the movie, but Kellan, Tyson, Josh and I sent to the graveyard to visit Tyson's mom. She died when he was a baby and, as long as I've known him, he's stopped by to drop off flowers or just say hi. (13.13)

Here we look inside Emma's mind and really get a sense of how time works in her life. Everything's been the same for a long time; she and her little group of friends are really close and have shared a lot. And Josh is part of this picture, so his smell makes her feel comforted because it reminds her of home. In these ways, time hasn't change too much about Emma's world.

Quote #5

"I always imagined time travel would be so big and life-changing," she says. "Like A Wrinkle in Time or Back to the Future. But here, all most people care about are lame vacation photos and trivial things." (14.35)

Time travel turns out to be pretty anticlimactic—no aliens, no leaping into far off lands, no machine that makes broccoli taste like ice cream. We feel Emma on the disappointment she identifies here.

Quote #6

"That's odd," Emma says. "Yesterday, it said I made macaroni and cheese. I wonder why it…" Emma turns to me, her eyes wide. "I bet the mac and cheese at dinner tonight turned me off to it… even in the future." (14.40)

Emma and Josh are exploring how this whole cause-and-effect things works. Originally, Emma had a status about how much she loves mac and cheese. But after being really stressed out at dinner, it turns out that it's no longer her favorite food. Toying with time is a tricky business.