How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Sophia was eighteen years old, and she was lonely. […] She was expected to do little more than simply exist, biding her time and minding her manner until she made a suitable match and continued the family line. (7.100)
Sophia is a kindred spirit to the Jinni. Even though she lives in a mansion, the society she's forced to participate in is her version of the Jinni's flask. It's confining, and she's not happy about it.
Quote #5
What, he wondered, was the point of emerging from the flask, if he was only to be caged again? (9.20)
The Jinni isn't happy outside the flask at all. Since he doesn't remember being in the flask for a thousand years, it almost seems preferable to being conscious and trapped.
Quote #6
It was strange: this second tryst had been more satisfying physically […] but he found he preferred their first. Danger and transgression had charged that encounter. (9.41)
Sex for the Jinni seems to be less about the sex and more about the pursuit. He's less-than-satisfied when he's able to just get it on whenever he wants.