The Good Earth Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I desire a maid from a village, of good landed family and without poor relatives, and one who will bring a good dowry with her, neither plain nor fair to look upon, and a good cook, so that even though there are servants in the kitchen she may watch them. And she must be such a one that if she buys rice it will be enough and not a handful over and if she buys cloth the garment will be well cut so that the scraps of cloth left over should lie in the palm of her hand. Such an one I want." (28.61)

So. Big brother wants a hot babe. Younger brother wants... well, younger brother wants someone who will cook, clean, and not spend too much money. What do you think: is one of these better than the other?