Hassan Haji Timeline & Summary


Hassan Haji Timeline & Summary

  • Hassan is born at the beginning of Chapter 1. The year is 1975, to be exact.
  • He spends his childhood in Mumbai with his parents, grandparents and siblings.
  • When Hassan is fourteen, Mama is killed.
  • Around the age of seventeen, Hassan moves to England with his father and siblings.
  • He gets his first job in the food industry working for a cheap food cart in London, selling Indian sweets.
  • He meets Abhidha, his first love. They date for a brief time but the age difference is a bit of an issue, and they eventually go their separate ways.
  • After the family decides that London is not the place for them (and Hassan makes out with his cousin) he travels throughout Europe with his family until they finally settle in Lumière.
  • Hassan officially begins his culinary adventure in Lumière, where he helps his family open Maison Mumbai.
  • While in Lumière he is introduced to French cuisine, and after a series of unfortunate events, is taken under the wing of Madame Mallory.
  • While he's working at Le Saule Pleureur he has a relationship with Margaret Bonnier, the sous chef.
  • Hassan gets a job with a restaurant in Paris; he and Margaret break up when he moves.
  • After working under different chefs for ten years, Hassan finally opens his own place.
  • Shortly after Le Chien Méchant opens, he gets his first Michelin star.
  • Papa, Mallory, and Paul die in close proximity to each other about twenty years after Hassan's arrival in Paris.
  • He has a meltdown after the death of his three idols and goes into a deep depression.
  • The economy crash takes its toll on restaurants and Hassan struggles to stay afloat. He participates in a protest on the Champs Elysees that ends in a bloody riot, though luckily he escapes.
  • He oversees Paul Verdun's memorial dinner and establishes himself as a rock star in the world of French haute cuisine.
  • Hassan gets his third Michelin Star, finally achieving his goal. Yay.