How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
While she was still beautiful, with a physical appearance like no one else's mother, she no longer resembled the winsome hippie girl in the poncho he recalled from his early childhood. (6.75)
Susannah's appearance is like no one else's mother… because she's like no one else's mother. She looks like that because her work (which is half appearance) demands it.
Quote #8
Goodman […] did not appear boyish or defenseless. […] Jules dragged up the word sinew from somewhere in her vocabulary. (9.104).
They actually recommend Goodman stay in Iceland because his appearance would bias a jury against him—but does he ever look "boyish or defenseless"? Sinew is a reference to tough bodily tissue… not exactly the stuff of innocence.
Quote #9
It didn't matter to them that she, a middle-aged woman with a sweater draped over her T-shirt and the kind of softened, undefined features that their mothers shared, had once been a camper here. (18.9)
The appearance of age pushes people to the outside in a way that something like Ethan's ugliness never does. Why?