How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"He's diminished. […] It's like they took him for a while and then returned him to me, but now he's only an approximation of himself." (13.27)
Think about how much power this suggests our minds have over our selves: When the chemistry of your brain is changed, you can actually become a different person.
Quote #8
Their son had developed the capacity for unspeakable sadness, and who could blame him? Dennis and Jules had both come from families that hadn't really felt good. (13.33)
We get that this is supposed to be a moment where Jules sympathizes with Dennis, but it kind of seems like she's downplaying or misunderstanding his depression, and making it about herself (again).
Quote #9
[Mo's] mother's hand resting briefly on his [...] back made him look up sharply, […] remembering that she loved him. Remember that there was such an element in the world as love. (14.14)
Hey there, social commentary moment. What it really takes to make life easier for a person with any sort of wellness issues, beyond medical help, is simply to feel the love and support of other people.