How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
The memories began to flood in… but he pushed them away. He had a feeling that the next day or two might do enough to provide him with fresh ones anyway. (31.4)
The thing about memories and the past is that you're constantly making new memories, so Mark can actually put his past away for a second because he knows he's about to get traumatized all over again. Isn't that nice? (No. No it's not.)
Quote #8
Though he'd never know for sure what had happened to them, his mind was super talented at imagining the absolute worst. (31.15)
Oh, this is something we all know too well. The mind is a powerful thing, and sometimes it imagines things we really don't want to see.
Quote #9
Mark followed him, determined to stop dwelling on the past. He had to focus on the future or he'd never reach it. (36.22)
Or maybe Mark should be focusing on the present. Either way, the past is something that we can't alter, and unfortunately for Mark, his past is something he'd really like to change.