How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Why would someone do this to others after all the hell that happened to the world? Weren't things bad enough? (11.25)
The sun-flares were pretty terrible, but they were a natural disaster; there are no moral qualms when dealing with natural disasters. But the Flare: that's man-made. So it's unfathomable to think about how someone could justify unleashing it.
Quote #2
It all came out sounding a little cold. Harsh. But Mark couldn't disagree with him. (13.20)
Coldness and harshness is something Mark and his pals have to live with; though Alec can seem a little harsh at times, he appears to be the only one who actually understands their situation. Morality isn't dead to him, but he knows that morality is multifaceted.
Quote #3
He feels a twinge of guilt that on some deep level, he's thankful for whatever tragedy has occurred, because they forced them together. (14.16)
Come on people, we've all been here—well, maybe not as dark as this, but we know the feeling. People come together when they're terrified. It's most fun at Halloween, but it can happen in fairly horrible situations as well.