How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Her eyes said it all—they were going to live though this just like they'd lived through everything else. (12.35)
The eyes say a lot of things; Trina's characterization can be defined pretty early on just by Mark's description of her here. She's one tough cookie.
Quote #2
Mark knew they'd become hardened […] But this was the first time they were faced with leaving someone who still seemed so alive. (13.31)
It's one thing to have to try to survive a natural disaster and an assault from people on a Berg, but it's another thing to leave a friend behind to die. It actually takes courage to do this—and it takes courage to stay behind, too.
Quote #3
"You won't touch her," Mark says, the look in the man's eyes filling him with the bravery he couldn't find a few minutes earlier. (14.26)
Mark is pretty protective of Trina, but he isn't the bravest kid during the sun-flares disaster. When someone threatens Trina, he suddenly gets a burst of bravery—hmm, wonder why.