How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"Maybe it's God inside," the Toad said in a high-pitched voice […] "Come to say he's sorry for all the sun flare business." (3.15)
Probably the only mention of God throughout the whole entire book (and quite possibly the entire series). This is pretty important, especially because the Toad is being sarcastic here.
Quote #2
There was a longing in many of the eyes he saw, like people truly thought they were being saved by some divine power. It made Mark feel a little sick. (3.17)
Though the Toad was being sarcastic about God saving everyone, there are people who actually believed him. Think about it: you've gone through hell and back and all of the sudden an airship is showing up at your village. Maybe, just maybe, they're there to help?