How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"They said it was to save what little resources we have, to be able to feed those people they deemed worthy to live." (37.4)
Worthy to live and people should never really be in the same sentence, unless it's "all people are worthy to live." The problem with the PFC is that they only chose certain people to survive, but what makes one human's life more important than another's? Now that, friends, is a classic ethics question.
Quote #8
As if he was seeing for the first time, he realized what he was doing. Torturing another human being… Mark felt a rush of horror at himself. (42.19)
Remember that horrible scene where Mark tortures the guy? Yeah, that was pretty immoral. But Mark was being affected by the Flare; so again, is Mark to blame?
Quote #9
"For all I know they fly around for the rest of eternity screaming for someone to put them back together again. Or maybe it's just instant and over. No way to tell. Maybe it's not such a bad way to die." (49.12)
Another huge question: do you think killing Lana with the Transvice was unethical? Unfortunately for Alec, he might not have had a choice, but no one knows what happens to people when they're shot by a Transvice. For all they know, the victim could float around for eternity.