How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
He couldn't stroll through the crowded alleys and paths of their settlement without it reminding him of the good days of living in the big city, when life had been rich and full of promise, everything in the world within easy reach, ready for the taking. (1.12)
Sometimes we need to look back at how lucky we are in today's society. Mark realizes this a little too late, as the "rich and full of promise" lifestyle he once had is now a part of the distant past.
Quote #2
The memories. They never let him go, not even for a half hour. They always had to rush back in, bringing all the horror. (2.8)
For Mark, his memories bring back all of the terror he saw after the sun-flares.
Quote #3
I could be perfectly happy in this place if we could just forget. (2.10)
Hmm, this is interesting to think about with the first three books of the Maze Runner trilogy in mind. Remember, Thomas has his memory wiped and he doesn't want it back. But there's also something inside of him that does want it back. Is it better to forget?